I was interviewed by Swapp Skills

And so of COURSE you’re going to want to read all about it. Well, you can. Here’s the link.


The title is a little off putting which is entirely my fault. I did not stick to the brief. The points I make can apply to almost any business (although I will admit I was focusing more on creative industries). I actually learned a lot myself while answering these questions. It’s weird that we know what we think and how we work (mostly) until someone asks us to articulate it. The process of explaining to someone else opens up and reveals more to you about your own thought process and that’s pretty much what happened here.

Anyway, have a read and give our friends at Swapp some love. Their app is fantastic (i’ve been beta testing it) and should be widely available later in 2021. I’ll be sure to post links when it’s here.


The main thing you should consider when booking a wedding photographer